Gluten-free, Dairy-free Chocolate Brownies

OMG I love a good chocolate brownie, but finding one that’s dairy-free, gluten-free and low in sugar can be tricky. But all my prayers were answered last week when my pal Gabbi rock up with a batch of chocolate brownies that ticked ALL the boxes. We’re like two peas in a pod, we’re always chatting about healthy foods, new recipes and anything natural. Don’t’ you just love when you click with someone like that?

Anyway Gabbi’s recipe calls for black beans, not something you’d associate with a brownie right? But it works, and it works really, really well. The brownies have such a light mousse like texture and honestly you would never in a month of Sundays know there was beans in them. She found the recipe on line and tweaked it a little, then I tweaked her’s a little and this is my end result. Just to mix it up a little I used 3 drops of DoTerra Wild Orange oil in my chocolate topping, some of the oils in this brand can be ingested. Please don’t use other brands unless you know for sure that they are safe to be ingested. You can also use orange extract instead or simply leave it out altogether. If you’re feeling adventurous you could pimp up the brownie mix with some hazelnuts, cacao nibs, blobs of peanut butter or dried cranberries for instance, just go nuts and think outside the box!

Brownie Ingredients

  • 2 tins of black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 4 eggs (organic if possible)
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 3 tbsps. coconut oil, melted
  • 3 tbsps. cacao powder
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 tsps. maple syrup OR honey
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)

Chocolate Topping Ingredients

  • 100g dark chocolate, I used 85% but you can use 70% if you like it a little sweeter
  • 2 tbsps. coconut oil


  1. Put all the brownie ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
  2. Put in a baking tin lined with parchment paper which has been lightly coated in coconut oil. Bake at 180c for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the oven and allow to cool down before removing from the tin. Remove from the tin and gently peel off the parchment paper and place on a wire cooling tray.
  4. Melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil and mix together, then spread over the cooled brownie cake. Pop in the fridge to allow the chocolate topping to harden (1 to 2 hours), then remove and cut into individual brownies.


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