Immune Boosting Ginger Shot

Immune boosting ginger shots ROCK! They’re so easy to introduce into your daily routine and have so many amazing benefits. Ginger is a root that has fantastic medicinal qualities the main one being that it boosts your immune system and helps your body to fight off infection. It is packed with vitamin C which is essential for a healthy immune system. Ginger is an natural antibiotic, antihistamine and decongestant and is great to add to the daily routine if you have a cold or flu, it also helps with mucus and stuffy nose. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and it helps to reduce inflammation in the body, inflammation = illness/dis-ease! My all time favourite reason for taking ginger is because of the warming affect it has on the body, I especially love this in the winter and I like to think of it as my internal radiator.


  • 1 apple (peeled if not organic)
  • 1/2″ to 1″ piece of ginger root


  1. Juice and enjoy.

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