Liver Rescue Smoothie

Have you ever head of Anthony Williams (aka The Medical Medium)? I started reading his books and doing his Liver Rescue Cleanse about eighteen months ago. I just love his approach to food and natural health and healing. He takes us back to nature and living a more healthful life. I believe we are at a pivotal point in history where we simply have to take ownership for our health and wellness. As a healthy immune system is of the upmost importance now more than ever.

At this stage I’ve done Anthony’s Liver Cleanse about five or six times. It is an amazing cleanse and the smoothie I’m sharing with you today is just one little part of his protocol. I’m currently doing the cleanse at the moment and I just love how good I feel. This smoothie is so delicious you will feel like you’re having a dessert for breakfast. If you struggle to eat fruit this smoothie will make it an absolute pleasure, plus children love it! You will get the wild blue berries and pitaya in your local health food store, I always opt for the frozen wild blueberries and pitaya because I like a chilled smoothie.

I’m going to share some of Anthony’s information below on the healing benefits of the amazing ingredients in this smoothie.

Pitaya (also called dragon fruit): The red pigment in the red-fleshed variety of pitaya is a rejuvenator for your liver, bringing cells back to life. It helps your liver produce cells faster so regeneration of the liver can occur. It’s a fountain of youth fruit for the liver that slows down and stops liver aging by caring for its deep, inner core, which in most cases succumbs to disease if left neglected for too long. Look for packs of frozen red pitaya in the frozen section of the grocery store or online, or you may find it fresh in your area. If neither is available where you live, seek out pure pitaya powder.

Wild blueberries: Contain dozens of undiscovered antioxidants, including anthocyanin varieties. There’s not just one pigment inside a wild blueberry; there are dozens of pigments not yet researched or studied. The wild blueberry is to the liver as mother’s milk is to a baby. Not only do wild blueberries have the ability to grab on to plenty of troublemakers, they also hold on to them as they leave the liver, in a way that most other healing foods cannot. The pigments in wild blueberries have the ability to saturate deep into liver cells and cross cell walls and membranes inside the liver, spreading their blue everywhere. Wild blueberries enhance the intestinal tract, feeding good bacteria there, which benefits the liver greatly. Look for packs of frozen wild blueberries in the frozen section of the grocery store or online, or you may find it fresh in your area. If neither is available where you live, seek out pure wild blueberry powder.

Bananas: Are a powerful antiviral food. High in tryptophan, bananas can help soothe sleep disorders, create calm, reduce anxiety, and alleviate depression. And those who worry about Candida have no need to fear bananas. They are the ultimate fungus destroyers, removing unproductive bacteria while feeding beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal tract. This also makes them B12-enhancing, because microbes in the gut can interrupt the ileum’s rightful process of producing vitamin B12. When it comes to digestive aids, nothing beats bananas. They are truly an anti-spasmodic for hyperactive colons and small intestinal tracts. Bananas can alleviate gastric cramps and stress-related gastrointestinal dis-orders. Bananas are also wonderful blood sugar stabilizers, have stress-assist phytochemicals to get you through your day, and help you balance your weight no matter where you are on the spectrum.



  • 2 bananas or ½ a papaya cubed
  • 100g fresh, 1 pack frozen or 2 tbsps. powdered red pitaya (dragon fruit)
  • 300g fresh or frozen, or 2 tbsps. powdered wild blueberries
  • 100ml water (optional)


  • Blend until smooth, you may have to let the frozen fruit thaw a little if you don’t have a high speed blender.
  • Enjoy!


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