Posts Categorized: food facts

Raw Honey

Raw honey is considered one of the top super-foods on the planet. It is a complete protein and a super energy food. Raw honey has not been pasteurised, this ensures that the honey retains all of it’s nutrients. Honey bee’s work tirelessly to produce honey for you and I and one thing I feel is

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Imagine a world where you could eat chocolate and feel guilt free about it! Image a world where eating chocolate meant you were nourishing every cell of your body. Guess what…you live in that world…you just didn’t know it! Cacao is chocolate in its raw form, it’s a super food that is packed to the hilt

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Buckwheat Rocks!

Despite its name buckwheat has absolutely no relation to wheat what so ever, which not only makes it wheat free but also gluten free!  I believe variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to food and If you have a allergy or intolerance to certain grains just know you’re not as restricted as

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